The new platform for young people is born, to foster intergenerational dialogue.

Young people are our future: the new generation that will bring forward good practices in education, sustainability, inclusion and diversity.

These are values for which the School must be the spokesperson, especially as the primary institution for educating boys and girls.

Our project YOUNG612+ was born from this reflection.

This is a platform sponsored by ASVIS, in which we have made available three different projects – especially for young children – that focus on the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

Let’s learn about sustainable economics with LEGOs

The earlier we teach children to live sustainably, the more profound and lasting the change we will generate in them.

The project Let’s Learn About Sustainable Economy with LEGOs was created to explain sustainability‘s complexity by engaging young children using LEGOs.

Four freely available videos and a teachers’ manual with workshop activities specifically designed for Kindergarten and Primary School have been produced.

A national competition with cash prizes is also announced every year

17 steps towards sustainability

The best way to explain this is to make students the authors and actors of their education.

In the 17 Steps to Sustainability project, secondary school students interview 17 sustainability experts by asking them specific questions that answer their doubts and curiosity.

These interviews can be used as an introduction to a lesson or an in-depth study in class or at home.

Crescere PARI

The Crescere PARI project stems from the Foundation’s urgency to achieve gender equality.

The sooner we achieve parity, the better our interventions will also be on environmental sustainability.

A more equal society is a healthier and happier society.
This project brings together the Foundation’s ideas on gender equality for children.