Global Thinking Foundation regularly participates in meetings organized by the dall’OCDE, a member of INFE International Network Financial Education, and on the tables work of civil society: NGOCSW delle Nazioni Unite, CSO Working Groups di World Bank/IMF, Comitato W7/ G7, European FS Tech Hub of Milan di SDA Bocconi, Hermes – European Study Centre, Ica World Foundation and G100/WEF Women Economic Forum. These participations constitutes an essential moment of exchange and updating with respect to trends, analyses and suggested guidelines, especially those falling within the Foundation’s mission. The extensive presence of CSOs (Civil Society Organisations) at global level also encourages the fruitful sharing of good practices and critical discussion on the issues and needs of women and girls and the most fragile segments of the population, thus enabling us to increase the food for thought and improve the formulation of projects carried out and improve the formulation of effective and measurable initiative to be disseminated in countries where the Foundation is active, for an effective and lasting social impact.
As the only Italian non-profit ETS Foundation marked by the Affiliate Member status, Global Thinking Foundation participates to the International Network for Financial Education – INFE. Created in 2008, the OCDE/INFE brings together 3o0 public institutions from over 130 countries, as well as civil society actors and private sector representatives, in order to address issues related to financial education, from the collection of comparable data to the development of methodologies for measuring the impact of programmes; from the definition of tools for the benefit of policy makers, to the sharing of good practices.
As the INFE/OCDE report shows, levels of financial literacy among adults are still low, especially in Italy compared to other OCDE countries. It is therefore necessary to give importance to measures that focus especially on fragile groups and gender equality, so that the knowledge gap can be closed. And above all to act on financial and digital education for the economic well-being of individuals and families.
Widespread social initiatives in our countries have shown us the power of social, sporting, and school venues to provide opportunities for families to meet.
Is therefore necessary to introduce new projects and initiatives that enable us to achieve greater equity and introduce ESG – Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance – based discussions. For this very reason, GLT drew on the OCED’s guidelines on financial literacy to introduce the following projects:
With the aim of encouraging conversations on gender equality for greater social development, the OCDE also introduced a Gender Portal:
a milestone towards gender language in publications.
PISA is the OECD’s programme for the international assessment of students, measuring the ability of 15-year-olds
to use their knowledge and skills in reading, mathematics and science to tackle real-life challenges.
The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS), established on 3 February 2016, is a network of more than 300 Adhering Parties committed to the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For this reason, our participation as an ASVIS member sees our project actions decline and measured on the SDGs that are part of our mission.
The European Study Centre Hermes (CSE) and the Global Thinking Foundation (GLTF) have entered into a collaboration to promote scientific and technological development in Europe. This agreement aims at fostering the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of digital culture and digital technologies, strengthening the respective statutory activities.
The main objective of this partnership is to transfer research results to the market and society, thus contributing to economic and social development. Planned initiatives include funded training and Euro design, recognising both organisations as strategic allies. This collaboration aims to offer a qualified service in the design, management and reporting of projects at national and European level, ensuring a positive and sustainable impact.
The agreement with IBF foundation, which is directly connected to IBF International Consulting, resulted in a partnership in 2022. IBF Foundation acts in cooperation with Ica World Foundation(International Consulting Alliance), which brings together numerous members with the aim of making a positive contribution to development. Its mission is to support the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to create a lasting, long-term impact. The foundation aims to contribute to a more equitable, sustainable and prosperous world by broadening perspectives from early childhood to later stages of life.
The collaboration currently active concerns scholarships of European female students at associations in Africa, the competition for young female artists, ‘Stop Gender Gaps’ and other initiatives that take place mainly in Belgium and French-speaking African countries.
Global Thinking Foundation is part of the W7 Committee and 11 other Italian associations and foundations that make European and international commitments to women’s issues and combating gender discrimination and inequality as part of their mission.
Claudia Segre, our President, is the W7 Co-Chair, along with Martina Rogato and Anna Maria Tartaglia.
Extensive discussion and listening to CSOs (Civil Society Organisations) at a global level also fosters fruitful sharing and critical debate on the problems and needs of responding to the needs of women and girls and the most fragile segments of the population, thus enabling us to increase project ideas and improve the formulation of effective and measurable initiatives to be disseminated in the countries where the Foundation is active, for an effective and lasting social impact.