Fondazione Pubblicità Progresso
Pubblicità Progresso is a free, independent, non-partisan, a-religious and non-profit private foundation. From 1971 it is at the service of civil and social growth of our country. In Italy Pubblicità Progresso, is the reference point for social communication and is identified with public service campaign. The intent is to contribute to social communication projects through television, editorial and digital campaigns. Events and training days are organized throughout the Italian territory, in order to raise public awareness on civil, cultural and educational issues. In this way the whole community can foster the creation of virtuous behavior, oriented to the growth of the common good. With our activity and thanks to the contribution of the partners (promoter members and supporters, users, professional organizations, companies, television, editorial and digital media) we promote the use of effective, creative and inclusive social communication. Over time, this approach has concretely demonstrated its usefulness thanks to the professional and participatory intervention of all the components of our country’s publishing, advertising, communication and multimedia system.