
Global Thinking Foundation participates in the Scientific and Technical Committee of Adiconsum:
Adiconsum Lombardy is the regional branch of ADICONSUM, the Association of Consumers born in 1987 on the initiative of Confederation of Trade Unions of Italy. It was recognised according to the criteria of the Regional Law no. 6 of 2003, and it is part of the Regional Consumer Committee. Adiconsum is spread nationwide, with over 80 branches and help desks. 


Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with ALTIS, Graduate School of Business and Society, which was conceived in 2002 within the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. The Graduate School aim is to favour, through research, training and strategic consultancy for companies, private and public, the diffusion of a responsible managerial culture, the reconciliation of competitiveness and corporate social responsibility, the interaction between profit and non profit sector for the development of the Country, good governance and a sustainable internationalization. For the coming school year 2022/2023, we are happy to announce the support offered for a deserving student in the Master’s programme in Sustainable Finance by ALTIS for the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.


Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with AssoFintech, association that promotes knowledge and qualitative growth of Fintech and insurtech entrepreneurs, to contribute to the evolution of the culture of innovation and stimulate the growth of the country, pushing activities and initiatives, public and privat, aimed at information and of Fintch and insurtech for the growth of the digital economy. Founded in October 2017 with the aim of helping fintech startups to dialogue with institutions on the subject of rules and regulations to be applied to the sector, to promote knowledge and qualitative growth of entrepreneurs, also within the framework of a common code of ethics. Maurizio Bernando is the new President, flanked by Fabrizio Barini (formerly a director of Assofintech), as general secretary.


Global Thinking Foundation is an affiliate member of ASVIS, the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development. It was founded on 3 February 2016, a network of more than 300 member organizations committed to implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Alliance organizes the Sustainable Development Festival every year. The festival is an excellent opportunity to spread the culture of sustainability and reach the attention of institutions, government, and media. The Alliance aims to take Italy on the right path towards the Agenda2030 of the SDGs. Global Thinking Foundation offers its contribution and expertise. It attends several working groups within the Alliance: Working Group Goal 4 – Quality of Education, Working Group Goal 5 – Gender Equality, Working Group Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, Cross-topic Working Group: Sustainable Development Education.

Beyond International

Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with Beyond International, a company that focuses on business innovation related to future trends.

In a 4.0 world, a world of technologies, they want the person to be central: every robot must not be a replacement for or control of man, but must be a means of ‘upskilling’ him. Training 4.0, schools for upskilling, analysis of future trends for a future of continuous learning. Translated with (free version)


GLT has been a member of the liaison committee of the Coordinamento Contro la Violenza sulle Donne di Torino since 2023, which works to protect the fundamental rights of women and provide them with support through a wide range of services and resources.

These include health interventions, psychological support, legal and judicial assistance, as well as cultural, social welfare and educational initiatives. The main objective is to combat violence against women and promote a culture based on respect, reciprocity and gender equality.


Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with CEVConsorzio Energia Veneto, in promoting projects and training activities for citizenship on environmental sustainability and the rationalization of energy resources, social inclusion, gender equality and the fight against economic isolation.


Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with COGESS in the CREI-AMO CAMBIAMENTO project, which aims to build a permanent territorial network in Municipalities 3 and 4 of the city of Milan for the promotion of reading. In 2024/2025, the collaboration with Tra Le Righe project continued.

Coldiretti – Donne  Impresa Piemonte

Coldiretti Donna is the Coldiretti movement that supports women in the agricultural sector, promoting female entrepreneurship, training and inclusion in sustainable development projects. It enhances the role of women in agriculture, defending their rights and raising awareness of the importance of sustainability and innovation in the agri-food sector.

Currently active collaboration on Donne Al Quadrato courses.



Confartigianato Roma Città Metropolitana   is an association founded on free membership and open to all economic’s sectors, and represents more than 5.000 companies throughout the territory of Rome and the Province.

Confartigianato Imprese Lazio is the regional federation that coordinates the activities of the provincial associations, representing craftsmen and small and medium-sized enterprises at regional level.

Together with Global Thinking Foundation they are committed to promoting and disseminating, working in synergy, initiatives on combating gender-based violence, with a focus on economic violence and over-indebtedness.


Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with CONFCOMMERCIO-Imprese per l’Italia, the Italian General Confederation of Enterprises, Professional Activities and Self-Employed Work, the largest business representation in Italy, which associates over 700,000 enterprises.

Collaborations over the years have taken place with Confcommercio Milano – Lodi – Monza – Brianza, Palermo, Florence, Cuneo , Rome, FIPE.

Confindustria e CIF

Confindustria is the main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy, with a voluntary membership of over 150,000 small, medium and large companies.

Collaborations with Confindustria Lecce and Taranto are currently active.

CIF (Comitato per l’Imprenditoria Femminile – Committee for Female Entrepreneurship) is a body established at the Italian Chambers of Commerce with the aim of promoting and supporting female entrepreneurship.

It currently has active partnerships with CIF Bari and Cuneo.

Together with Global Thinking Foundation, they are committed to promoting training and awareness-raising activities on financial empowerment and female entrepreneurship.


Fondazione FIDAPA ONLUS, founded in 1988, aims to assist women to enter the world of work and to help, in the process of reintegration, those who have had to leave it to take care of children or family members, with the aim of achieving economic independence. Global Thinking Foundation and FIDAPA Foundation undertake to promote and disseminate, working in synergy, initiatives on combating gender-based violence, with a focus on economic violence and over-indebtedness through the promotion of training courses, activities and events, with the aim of combating through awareness the economic isolation of women. The Protocol signed on 21 October 2021 in Catanzaro will see as its first Project the construction of a school in Mali, in collaboration with the French Committee of Global Thinking Foundation, and an event meeting with schools in Loano on 29 November.

Fondazione Cariplo

Global Thinking Foundation with the support of Fondazione Cariplo realised the FamilyMi project, born out of the need to offer support to the debate on financial evolution and financial inclusion to the families of Millennials, followed by the Creiamo Cambiamento 2022/2023 project dedicated to families and children and based on the dissemination of the culture drawn through comic strips. In 2024/2025, the foundation led Tra Le Righe project.

Fondazione Deloitte

The Deloitte Foundation, set up in February 2016, responds to the desire to act in an increasingly responsible and attentive manner vis-à-vis society, to which Deloitte knows it owes a great deal and to which it wants to return value, by deploying its resources and skills, as well as establishing a dialogue with institutions and realities of excellence in the country and beyond. Collaboration to support activities in schools has developed over the past three years with a focus on the projects “Free to… LIVE” and “Dipendenze: No, Grazie!

Fondazione Marisa Bellisario

Global Thinking Foundation and Fondazione Marisa Bellisario – regional committees of Turin, Palermo and Sardinia – collaborate synergistically in the promotion and dissemination of activities related to the issues of gender equality, the enhancement of female talent, and the fight against phenomena of gender violence, with a focus on economic violence and over-indebtedness. These initiatives aim to provide knowledge on economic citizenship and finance to encourage active and conscious behaviour on one’s future choices and develop women’s representation in decision-making processes and positions of power.

Fondazione Pubblicità Progresso

Pubblicità Progresso is a free, independent, non-partisan, a-religious and non-profit private foundation. From 1971 it is at the service of civil and social growth of our country. In Italy Pubblicità Progresso, is the reference point for social communication and is identified with public service campaign. The intent is to contribute to social communication projects through television, editorial and digital campaigns. Events and training days are organized throughout the Italian territory, in order to raise public awareness on civil, cultural and educational issues. In this way the whole community can foster the creation of virtuous behavior, oriented to the growth of the common good. With our activity and thanks to the contribution of the partners (promoter members and supporters, users, professional organizations, companies, television, editorial and digital media) we promote the use of effective, creative and inclusive social communication. Over time, this approach has concretely demonstrated its usefulness thanks to the professional and participatory intervention of all the components of our country’s publishing, advertising, communication and multimedia system.

Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile

The Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (ItaSIF) was founded in 2001. ItaSIF is a multi-stakeholder non-profit association: its members are financial operators and other organizations interested in the environmental and social impacts of investments. The mission is to promote the awareness and the strategies linked to sustainable investments, with the aim of encouraging the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into financial products and processes. ItaSIF activities are divided into three main areas: research, projects and advocacy. Since 2012, ItaSIF has organized the Italian SRI Week, the most important event on sustainable and responsible investment in Italy. ItaSIF is a member of Eurosif, the association for the promotion of sustainable investment in the European market.

Hermes European Study Centre

In the first half of 2024, collaboration between the Hermes European Study Centre (ESC) and the Global Thinking Foundation (GLTF) began. As part of this journey, the two organisations have envisaged the implementation of various initiatives with a modular approach to ensure the robustness and relevance of joint activities.

The agreement aims to foster the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of digital literacy and digital technologies, promoting the transfer of research results to the market and society. The main activities include funded training and the design of the euro, with the aim of offering a qualified service in the design, management and reporting of projects at national and European level, thus contributing to economic and social development.

Ica World Foundation

The agreement with IBF foundation, which is directly connected to IBF International Consulting, resulted in a partnership in 2022. IBF Foundation acts in cooperation with Ica World Foundation (International Consulting Alliance), which brings together numerous members with the aim of making a positive contribution to development. Its mission is to support the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to create a lasting, long-term impact. The foundation aims to contribute to a more equitable, sustainable and prosperous world by broadening perspectives from early childhood to later stages of life.

The collaboration currently active concerns scholarships of European female students at associations in Africa, the competition for young female artists, ‘Stop Gender Gaps’ and other initiatives that take place mainly in Belgium and French-speaking African countries.

Inclusione donna

Global Thinking Foundation has accepted the invitation to participate in Inclusione Donna‘s activities since its beginning, sharing intervention themes and a values-based approach to the recognition of rights inherent to gender equality, wage equality, labour and political participation, and work-family reconciliation.

Inclusione Donna was founded in 2018 by bringing together the most important representatives of women’s associations. To date, 71 associations and communities, committed to gender equality and representing more than 50,000 women and over 40 ambassadors who have decided to join #InclusioneDonna as free citizens, are part of it.


A Benefit company that provides organisational consultancy oriented towards diversity inclusion and gender equity. Accompanying in the structuring of management systems related to mainly social sustainability (UNI 125:2022 Gender Equality Certification and ISO 30415:2021 Diversity and Inclusion Certification) with expertise in quality processes (ISO 9001), we produce Sustainability and Gender Balance Sheets. With an action-research model that circularly implies these steps: exploring, making explicit and disseminating the meaning of an open culture, and of course initiating improvement actions to close any gaps.


Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with  IVASS, the Institute for the Supervision of Insurance, in the promotion of projects and training activities for citizens on insurance and financial issues. Sharing the importance of an adequate level of knowledge in the insurance and financial today, the common commitment focuses on the development and strengthening of the role of women within society as a lever for development and social inclusion.
For more information Click HERE

L’onda di Nico

L’onda di Nico is a non-profit association founded in 2018 in memory of Nicolò, a boy like many others: young, happy, loving life. A life that was abruptly interrupted at the age of 17 by that sense of omnipotence that belongs to adolescence. A wave took him away. This wave can be transformed into health promotion and risk behaviour prevention projects.

The Association aims to promote actions to prevent discomfort and harm reduction. But also of promoting wellbeing by involving children, adolescents and their families, within the educational institutions of Milan’s QT8 district and beyond.


Le Village

Global Thinking Foundation works with Le Village by CA Parma to support young companies with high innovation and growth potential through a collaborative system involving public and private partners. It accelerates company innovation, thanks to the synergy and connection between large corporations, young companies, investors and the Crédit Agricole Group.

LIFE and LIFE Onlus

Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with LIFE & LIFE ONLUS, an International Humanitarian Organisation that has been working since 2010 with the aim of improving the living conditions of disadvantaged women and children around the world through projects that foster their growth and personal affirmation. They act for the affirmation and protection of their rights such as the right to health, education, protection and freedom from all forms of violence or constraint. They work in Italy and Bangladesh with permanent offices and projects and reach out to all parts of the world where there is no need.

Rishilpi International Onlus

Global Thinking Foundation collaborates with Rishilpi International Onlus, which supports the development of the Rishi, outcastes, and marginalised people of Bangladesh through development cooperation programmes in education and health. The organisation also provides employment opportunities for women and differently abled people through handicraft activities.

SDA Bocconi

In 2024, the Global Thinking Foundation and SDA Bocconi’s ‘I.C.E. – Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship – European FS Tech Hub of Milan‘ program of initiatives began collaborating. Within this path, various initiatives will be implemented using a modular approach to ensure the robustness and relevance of the European FS Tech Hub of Milan program.

She SPS Italy

The SPS Italia project dedicated to enhancing the contribution of experience and knowledge of women working in automation and technology for industry.

“She SPS Italia”: the community of female professionals that unites and tells stories and promotes diversity, openness to talent and the drive for female vision. The initiative is aimed at the entire SPS Italia network: journalists, entrepreneurs, professors, and more generally all women involved in automation and innovation, including the younger generation, who will be able to bridge the gender gap in the future.

Women Care Association ETS

Women Care Association ETS was founded in 2023 from the long-standing experience of Woman Care Trust ONLUS and acts in favour of respect for gender equality in all areas of civil, social, family and working life, with a special focus on opposing any kind of discrimination, stereotyping or form of violence related to it. We actively participate in the Board of Directors and support initiatives, projects and events in which we share values and civil battles for the rights of all.


Women’s Forum

Global Thinking Foundation is a Member of the Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society, the most important women’s network for socio-economic issues from a gender perspective, and organiser and promoter of the Women’s Forum Global Network. The Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society is an international platform looking at major social and economic issues from a gender and a women’s perspectives. Founded in 2005, the Forum seeks to give voice to leading women in politics, business, civil society and universities through various international meetings, and to highlight projects that range from women’s entrepreneurship to education, business equality and better representation of women in the media. The Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society was ranked among the top five influential forums worldwide by the Financial Times in 2007.

The European Pact for Youth

The European Pact for Youth” was launched on November 17th 2015, during the Summit Enterprise 2020, organised in Brussels by CSR Europe, the European network of corporate social responsibility, to develop or consolidate partnerships between enterprises and the training system in support of the employability and inclusion of young people. These initiatives aim to sustain employability and inclusion for students and graduates. Considering the recent development about school-company collaborations in Italy, promoting the training and employment opportunities for the new generations – Law Decree “The Good School” and the Jobs Act – Pact4Youth’s plan of action for Italy, called We4Youth (, focuses on the employability of young people through the development and diffusion of partnerships between companies and learning activities. The plan includes new opportunities for work-based learning, acquisition and development of working abilities, as traversal, soft, digital, entrepreneurial skills.