There is one of the Global Goals of the 2030 Agenda that runs through and involves all 16 others: it is Goal 5 on gender equity. Crescere PARI wants to address this.

Education for gender equality is a form of prevention of gender-based violence, and that is why it is essential to start in schools – as early as primary schools – to accompany students to break free from cultural stereotypes, encouraging the assumption of anti-violent models of identification and relationships.

Pupils live and inhabit the School, a physical place of relationships: between peers in their class, between peers of different types, with adult, teaching and non-teaching staff. These relationships are not neutral or free from cultural constructs and legacies, which hinder the fight against discrimination and can undermine efforts to create an inclusive and welcoming environment that is ready to listen.

With our initiatives, projects, awards, scholarships and the involvement of schools in all our training and information activities, we stand alongside teachers and school leaders as well as families to try to initiate together a ready, attentive and ongoing dialogue that produces the seeds of a culture of respect and support across genders.

Read more on the Global Thinking Foundation website: